Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethics And Social Responsibility H M - 1431 Words

Ethics (Social Responsibility): (prezi, n.d.)HM is one of the world s most ethical organisation. HM takes after sustainability and environmental policy. As indicated by HM, we have a duty towards everybody who add to our prosperity, including the individuals who are not employees of HM. (The HM Way, n.d.) That is the reason this organisation continually work with providers to build up a long term, sustainable, social and environmental standard in the factories that makes HM items. Their duties in environmental policy are: †¢ Environmental awareness †¢ Sustainable utilization of resources †¢ Healthy product †¢ Green transport †¢ Respect for nature HM made a settlement for †¢ Global boycott for sandblasting †¢ Use of natural cotton†¦show more content†¦Demographic Segment: Age structure of HM market consumers is wide and each age group has its own particular clothing design preference. For example, ages from new born baby to 14 need comfortable and durable clothes. Teenagers like wearing fashionable clothes. HM designs modern, contemporary, casual, working wear, evening wear and sportswear for adults. (Kurtovic, 2011) Technological Segment: It is possible to use technology by companies to get benefit in business. Because individuals are occupied in their lives hence wants to shop on web. Web based business stores have turned out to be popular and beneficial. Buyers can discover the garments they like through web search tools. Operational expenses can likewise be lessened by retail locations by applying E business stores. HM can catch more markets and assemble a brand quality by innovative improvement. (UKESSAYS, 2015) Economic Segment: The developing countries have moderately high GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth rate than the developed countries who have low development rate in clothing utilization. The rapid economic growth of manufacturing countries results in rise in labour costs which may affect the low retail prices of HM. (UKESSAYS, 2015) Operating Online- Advantages: HM has online shopping available in 32 countries. Their main advantages are: †¢ The company can get connected with customer. †¢ They can get feedbacks from the customers. †¢ Online shopping also saves time ofShow MoreRelatedHM. Ethics and Social Responsibility of the Swedish Fashion Giant1526 Words   |  7 PagesHM. Ethics and social responsibility of the Swedish fashion giant (case study) Author: Maria Roszkowska-Ã…Å¡liÃ… ¼, Katedra Teorii ZarzÄ…dzania, Kolegium ZarzÄ…dzania i Finansà ³w, Warsaw School of Economics Source: â€Å"Style and Substance. Sustainability Repot 2009†, HM 2010 Warsaw, 2011 HM Ethics and social responsibility of the Swedish fashion giant HM is one of the world’s largest fashion company employing 76 thousand people. The company, established in Sweden in 1947, owes now aroundRead MoreHM. Ethics and Social Responsibility of the Swedish Fashion Giant1511 Words   |  7 PagesHM. 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